Welcome! We're so glad you're here!

Summit 419 Church is an aspiring church plant gathering people to know Jesus personally and follow him passionately. We believe that what we need to find fullfillment in our lives is "Just Jesus." Jesus is the God of the Old Testament who fulfills everything we need to have eternal life. It is only by faith in Jesus (John 14:6) that we can have eternal rest and the hope of heaven.

If you've been following God your entire life, you're welcome here. If you're new to faith, you're welcome here. If you're not really sure you believe in God at all, you're welcome here. No matter where you are on the road to faith, we want to walk alongside you. Our hope is that as you join us on the journey, you'll discover a God who is active, alive, and at work in your life.


Join us on Sunday Mornings for worship, a short bible lesson, and prayer. We will meet at 10 AM at 170 S 50 E, Coalville, UT 84017.. Please call Brent at (435) 523-3600 for more information.  We will are currently working through the book of Matthew one week at a time in a series called Hope Fulfilled. EVERYONE is welcome and we encourage you to bring a friend on Sunday mornings.  You may also email summit419pastor@gmail.com for more info. 


Help execute a successful launch of Summit 419 Church. Join a committee that will help develop the culture and focus of our mission and vision in North Summit County. Any communit member is welcome to join even if you haven't come before. If you have questions, or want to be a part please contact Pastor Brent at summit419pastor@gmail.com or (435)523-3600 for more details.

Women's Bible Study

The women's group is currently on a summer break. However there are women in the community who would love to connect with you and help you grow in faith. If you have questions or would like to connect with a community of women in faith, please contact Pastor Brent via email, summit419pastor@gmail.com or give the church a call at (435)523-3600. We will get you conncected someway, somehow!

Men's Bible Study

Our men's group is currently on a summer break. However if you are seeking a men's study we would love to connect you with men who can take you through our ROOTS Discipleship program. Contact Pastor Brent summit419pastor@gmail.com or (435)523-3600 for more information and how to be a part. 

Worship at Summit 419 Church

Let's Gather Together!

Authentic Worship

Worship is the act of us giving ourselves fully, in submission to God. In Romans 12:1 The Apostle Paul says, "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."  We hope that as we gather you are convicted through music, scripture, teaching, fellowship, and whatever else to worship Jesus with your enitre being. 

Bible study Times

Sunday Mornings: 10 AM

Wednesday Night Launch Team Meetings: 

Every Wednesday Starting June 19, 2024 until September 8, 2024.

6 pm - 8 pm

Women's Study:

Every other Wednesday

@North Summit High School

6 pm - 8 pm

Men's Study:

Every other Thursday

6 pm - 8 pm

NOTE: The Community Group and the Men's study is meeting in a home please email: summit419pastor@gmail.com for the address

Teaching from Scripture

We believe that the Bible is the inspired, true, and living word of God. The old and new testament both have numerous ancient manuscripts that prove their place as hisorical fact. We teach the word of God as truth and believe nothing should be taken away, nor should anything be added to the old and new testament texts. We hope to teach in a way that is engaging, true, and applicable to your life today, because God is still speaking...


What's Happening at Summit 419 Church

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...