Give to the work of Summit 419 Church

Matthew 4:19 says "And he said to them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." We need your help!  Over the next year, Brent Petersen, his wife Rose, and his four children hope to develop a launch team with 10 families or more and find people to commit a total of $15,000 a month for the next five years to give us enough time to establish the first Christian church in Coalville, Utah (Summit 419 Church) with the purpose of reaching those who are lost in this region and pointing them to follow "Just Jesus" who will make them fishers of men. 


  1. Please pray about how much monthly support you can provide and how many people you can encourage to move out to be on our launch team. 
  2. Please pray for the people in the area and that the holy spirit would begin to convict the hearts of those living in the Wasatch Back.
  3. Please pray for the twenty people who are going to begin this journey on September 10, 2023, with a Bible study in the Petersen's living room.
  4. Please pray that Summit 419 Church would be the much-needed salt and light needed in the area